Welcome ! Please read the Fundraiser Details below entirely.
All Fundraisers must have prior approval prior to ordering
Please email us at the following: Your Full Name, Organization (Name and Address), Contact number(s), and a copy of your Tax Payer Identification
The Owner of We Be Poppin’, or Fundraiser Assistant will contact you within the same day during business hours 9am-6pm, est. or the next morning.
🍿Our program is Designed to be Simple 🍿
1- Once approved for our Fundraiser we recommend you set a goal, determine how much each of your participants need to sell to meet your goal, and establish a due date, (you can create your own order form for your participants or we can give you one to make copies of and distribute to them)
2- Have your participants use a Participant's Order Form and Collect $ total amount of their customer orders by Cash or Check and have them return their order forms and funds by your established Due Date. (Checks should be payable to the Name of Your organization)
Fundraiser link:
3- Leader/Administrator of the Fundraiser then would Calculate the grand total of all the participants by product needed and place the final order online. Once the products received distribute to the participants to deliver to their customers.
It's Important Fundraising with Participants who are minors be accompanied by an adult. We encouraged them to sell to their family, friends, neighbors, etc. Some even get approval to sell in front of store fronts and sporting fields (baseball, football, soccer, etc.) Please stress Safety Measures with all participants.
🍿 Have a question, need assistance, no worries we are here to help you through the process. Send us an email with your name, organization, contact person and telephone number to reach you! We will contact you within the same day during business hours 9am-6pm, est. or the next morning.
PRODUCT DELIVERY: We Be Poppin will cordinate with you the delivery of the products order directly to you (unless you would prefer to come to our shop and pick it yourself).
When you receive your order, to ensure freshness, please have your participants distribute to the customers they sold them to within 24-48 hours.
Since all our products are made fresh daily, larger order over 5000 production time will take up to 2 weeks.
1200+ bag min order required (when placing the online order please order in even number increments, thank you!)
Our famous "We Be Poppin'" popcorn is made using only the freshest, highest quality ingredients and always popped fresh. We are a Brand that is recognized throughout the St. Lucie County Community with products on high demand, giving us confidence choosing We Be Poppin' your Fundraiser will be a success!